All institutions of higher education must be authorized to operate in states and territories where they conduct business, including educating their students. The University of Central Florida (UCF) is authorized to award degrees in the state of Florida. UCF has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). UCF’s membership in NC-SARA allows for online education and limited on-ground learning experiences in accordance with provisions detailed in the SARA Manual.
The primary purpose behind state authorization is consumer protection. The Academic Program Quality unit supports institutional consumer protection efforts by coordinating the dissemination of required disclosures in key areas of concern to students, applicants, prospects, and the general public. In particular, we support efforts to communicate how UCF programs prepare graduates for professional licensure and certification in Florida and elsewhere.
Please visit our Programs Leading to Licensure or Certification webpage for more information regarding UCF programs that lead to state-regulated professional licensure or certification.
Academic Compliance Specialist407.823.6639
Assistant Vice President for Academic Program Quality and Deputy Institutional Accreditation Liaison407.823.3844